Looking for a hot tub that combines performance and efficiency? Well, Softub hot tubs can provide you with exactly what you’re looking for.
Our Softub hot tubs are incredibly energy efficient, yet they still offer the highest levels of luxury and relaxation. Here’s what you get with a Softub hot tub.
What is the Most Economical Way to Run a Hot Tub?
When you invest in a hot tub you’ve got a number of costs to think about. Of course, there’s the upfront cost of buying the hot tub, but you’ve also got to think about installation and running costs.
Regular hot tubs are quite energy-hungry, so they don’t run off a traditional household electrical outlet. You’ll have to install an extra average line, and the separate heating element can cost in the region of $40-75 a month.
The best way to overcome this and run a hot tub more economically is with a Softub. It plugs into a regular electrical outlet, and its innovative technology brings your heating costs down to roughly $9.60 a month.
Which Softub Hot Tub is the Most Energy-Efficient?
Softubs come with powerful jets, but they’re also extremely efficient. This is because they’ve been designed from the ground up to balance performance with efficiency.
In fact, the California Energy Commission has named Softub as the most efficient hot tub gallon for gallon.
Of our models, the Softub 140 Sportster - 2 person spa is probably the most efficient, just because it has the least water to heat. However, all our models are highly-efficient, so no matter what size you choose, your bills are going to be kept to a minimum.
Is it Expensive to Run a Softub Hot Tub?
When it comes to hot tubs, many people think that if you want something powerful and durable, then you’ve got to shell out a lot of money.
Hot tubs aren’t cheap! However, Softub hot tubs offer incredible value for money and they continue to help you save every time your electricity bill comes through.
It requires only 4 kW hours of electricity per day to maintain a Softub at 102 degrees. At an average rate of 8 cents per kw hour, this equates to just 32 cents a day. The best part is, your Softub hot tub is always hot and ready to use, 24 hours a day - there’s no preheating required.
Does Turning Down a Softub Hot Tub Save Money?
Lowering the temperature of a hot tub can decrease your energy bill.
At Evergreen Softub, we want you to get the absolute best experience from your Softub, which is why we’ve made our tubs so energy efficient. You want to be able to set your Softub to the temperature you want, so we’ve included little extras that help improve efficiency.
All our Softubs come with a lid to help keep your water warm and limit the strain on your electricity bill.
We recommend that you try your Softub at your desired temperature, and you might well be pleasantly surprised by how economical it is. If you’d still like to find some additional savings, then you can turn the water temperature down.
Are Softub Hot Tubs a Good Investment?
Softub hot tubs represent great value when compared to the purchase price of traditional hot tubs, and they also save you money on installation and running costs.
When you take into account all these savings, Softubs have excellent value.
Of course, the other important thing is performance, and when you go with a Softub hot tub, you aren’t making any sacrifices in this area either.
Our tubs have been known to be in operation more than 20 years after purchase, and the other great thing is that you can take them with you wherever you go. If you come to sell your house, then the Softub simply goes on the truck with you, so you’re getting more value over its lifetime.
Conclusion: Are Softub Hot Tubs Efficient?
The answer is Softub hot tubs are extremely efficient and this makes them an excellent investment.
Not only do they come with a great purchase price, but they’ll also help to keep your bills low. They can represent a $30-60 a month saving versus a traditional hot tub, and all of this adds to the savings you make on your purchase price.
If you’re looking to enjoy ultimate luxury without consuming crazy amounts of energy, then a Softub hot tub is certainly the way to go.