Choosing the right hot tub can take some serious consideration when it comes to your needs, your budget, and your space considerations in each application. Thankfully, there are plenty of people in the same position as you, and much of the legwork has already been done to help you make the right choice for your particular application. Whether you are in need of a new hot tub for therapy in your home, looking for something to enjoy while you are on the go, or just enjoy spending time soaking your cares away, there is an answer out there waiting for you, and it's a Softub from Evergreen Softub.
The Same Great Experience Made Affordable
For many people, the dream of owning a hot tub is not one that is always feasible thanks to a high starting price in traditional hot tubs. Many hot tubs start out at well over $7,500 and are priced well outside the budget of many people. While inflatable hot tubs bring the price down slightly, they lack many of the comfort features and durability that are offered with a soft-sided hot tub. Choosing a Softub is the best way to get an affordable hot tub for less than $6,000 that features many of the benefits of traditional hot tubs like seating and efficiency, and no one does soft-sided hot tubs better than Evergreen Softub. Find the perfect one to fit your needs and your budget, and see why so many people choose a Softub over traditional or hard-sided hot tubs.
Portability That Speaks For Itself
When it comes to the ability to transport your hot tub due to a move or vacation, there is a big difference when you compare inflatable, hard-sided, and soft-sided hot tubs. While inflatable hot tubs are extremely portable, they don't tend to hold up to the wear and tear that hot tubs face when they are moved around regularly. Traditional hard-sided hot tubs are the exact opposite of portable as they are pretty much stuck in place when they are set. A soft-sided hot tub like those from Evergreen Softub give you the perfect combination of both worlds thanks to a light weight and innovative design that lets you take your hot tub with you while you are on the go.
Enjoyment Without The Additional Expense
Beyond the starting price of your hot tub, there are plenty of other potential costs that should be considered when deciding between an inflatable, hard-sided, or soft-sided hot tub. Traditional hard-sided hot tubs often require 220 volts as well as a GFCI breaker that require a professional to install them. This drastically increases costs and prices them out of the range for many people. Inflatable hot tubs give you the option to plug into a regular 110v outlet but lack the durability of traditional hard-sided hot tubs. Soft-sided hot tubs, on the other hand, feature excellent durability, affordability, plus the added benefit of plugging into that very same regular 110v outlet.